West of the Moon

Welcome to West of the Moon! This collection is for hobbit-centric gen and slash fan fiction, poetry, and filk.

West of the Moon is closed to new works.

The import of this archive to the AO3 was approved by the OTW Open Doors Committee on 16 November 2019.

(Open, Moderated)

About West of the Moon (WestOfTheMoon)

Active since:
[email protected]



This collection contains works originally located at http://www.west-of-the-moon.net, which were imported to the Archive of Our Own through the Open Doors Project. West of the Moon is no longer online, but its moderators and the OTW will be preserving all of these amazing works! You can learn more about the import in the import announcement.



If you still have access to the email you used to post your works to West of the Moon, you should have received an email with the option to claim your works at the time they were imported. If you do not have access to that email account, or did not receive the notification, please contact the moderator at the contact email address listed above.

All unclaimed works are imported as restricted to logged-in AO3 users only, and will be made publicly viewable after a 30-day transition period. If you claimed your works before that period ended, you will need to change the restriction setting.

For questions about using the AO3, please contact Support. For questions about West of the Moon, please contact the moderator at the email address listed above.



Submission guidelines from the original site (some details may no longer be accurate and links may no longer work)

Welcome to West of the Moon, a haven born of our passion for The Lord of the Rings and our enduring love of hobbits. This site is dedicated to the archiving of quality peer-reviewed fanfiction concerning hobbits, pure and simple. If you love the boys dearly, please bring your testaments here.

For the first 2 years, the archive existed in a peer-reviewed format—stories were accepted into the archive on a case-by-case basis, after review by West of the Moon staff. In 2005, the format of the archive changed to “posting by approved author”, so that all authors who met West of the Moon’s standards were free to post what they wished.

The archive was “frozen in time” on February 18th, 2008 –almost 5 years to the day from its birth.